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Win an overnight stay!

The George Hotel, Inveraray

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Closed on Monday, 24th July at 10:00 This prize draw will close on Monday, 24th July at 10:00

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STV is giving one lucky person the chance to win an overnight stay at The George Hotel in Inveraray!

First established all the way back in 1777, The George Hotel has 17 bedrooms that have been sensitively re-styled in keeping with the building, its history and its architecture, making each one completely unique.

The George has an enviable reputation for ambience, friendliness and its cuisine. The emphasis on the menu is using the very best of local quality such as well hung West Highland beef and lamb. Seafood and fish are bought from the local fishing port of Tarbert, as well as the famous Loch Fyne salmon.

The lucky winner and their guest will also enjoy dinner and breakfast during their stay.

For more information visit The George Hotel

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This competition has special conditions you can read here. All competitions are subject to STV's standard online Competition rules.

Specific Rules

  • Ends 9am Monday 24th July 2017

  • Entrants must be 18 or over

  • 1 x winner will win an overnight stay for two, including dinner and breakfast.

  • Dinner is a three course meal. Please note drinks are not included in this prize and are at the cost of the winner and their guest.

  • Prize can only be taken Sunday - Thursday only.

  • Please have a selection of dates available, should your first choice not be available.

  • Prize is valid for 6 months from notification of win.

  • Travel is NOT included in this prize

  • Prize is non-transferable, non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash.

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